As soon as you place an order, you’ll receive an automated confirmation email. Once payment is processed, we will ship your product within 1-2 business days unless otherwise noted. Once shipped, you’ll receive a tracking number by email to monitor your delivery.
Delivery on larger items can take from 5 - 10 days to reach most states in the continental U.S or even earlier depending on your location. Smaller items and accessories ordered seperately can expect 3 - 7 days for delivery times.
We offer free shipping on all orders over $99 and no sales tax.
If you don’t receive a confirmation or tracking number, please check your spam folder and if its not there please contact us at
Important Shipping Information:
When shipping larger items like stoves, fire places or fire pits, our freight companies use curbside delivery via tractor-trailer, requiring reasonable access to your driveway. The driver will remove your item from the truck, but you are responsible for moving it to your desired location.
Drivers usually call to schedule delivery, yet we recommend monitoring your tracking info and contacting the freight company when it reaches your area.
Freight Company Contact Details (have tracking number ready):
- YRC: (800) 610-6500
- USF Holland (Central & Midwest): (800) 456-6322
- USF Reddaway (Western States): (888) 420-8960
- ABF Freight: (800) 610-5544
- Saia: (800) 456-7296
Smaller items and accessories purchased separately will be shipped via UPS, FedEx, or similar carriers. Once your order is processed, you’ll receive a tracking number to monitor your shipment and estimated delivery date.
You can read more about our shipping policy by clicking here.